Best Methods for Pain Management


Pain management will always be a big part of hospice and palliative care. Intense discomfort and pain often come with many life-limiting illnesses, furthering the deterioration of patients’ quality of life.

Providing hospice services in California has taught us that easing this pain can significantly improve their daily living. What are some of the best ways to manage this pain properly?

  • Pain Medications

    Pain medications are some of the most common methods to control pain. There is a range of prescriptions that can be used. But mostly taken with the guidance of care providers.

    The risk of addiction is present when using these medications. Working with a doctor or a hospice nurse can ensure proper medication administration.

  • Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy can be usual in senior living. This treatment is vital for improving mobility. But more importantly, it can address different types of pain in the body, including those that are caused by life-limiting illnesses.

  • Proper Positioning

    Your body’s position can also cause some discomfort or pain. Identifying the accurate position will help you avoid the ones that can cause immense pain and discomfort.

  • Complementary Therapies

    Patients can integrate several complementary therapies into their pain management routine. Complementary treatments include massage therapy, music therapy, and even pet therapy.

Integrating these complementary treatments into your pain management techniques can improve patient outcomes.

Here at Fresno Hospice, our resources; and skilled experts can help manage all types of pain caused by life-limiting health conditions. Our hospice care in Fresno, California, can be the treatment your loved ones need to preserve their quality of life. If you have inquiries, feel free to reach out to us.

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